Note: Please download the form to your computer and open in a PDF viewer like Adobe Acrobat in order to see the fillable form fields.
Application to Graduate
Complete this form if you have finished your academic program as a full-time student. In order to graduate, you must apply using this form to have your academic record audited. Once completed, submit the form to Enrolment Services.
Please note: If you are seeking graduation from a program other than your current program (i.e. moving from a three-year to a two-year program) you are required to complete an Application for Re-Admit or Transfer form signed by your program Success Advisor.
Application for Re-Admit or Transfer Form
If you have been away from your program of study at Centennial College for more than one semester and wish to return to your previous program, you. Will need permission from the academic department or program coordinator by filling out this form
Change of Address Form
If your permanent address does not match the address on your student records, and you wish to change it, please fill out this form. Once completed, submit the form to Enrolment Services. If you are submitting this form in person, please provide identification. Address changes will not be undertaken via telephone.
Change of First Name Form
If you wish to change your legal first name to your preferred first name on your Centennial College student record, please fill out this form. Your new first name will appear on official Centennial College documents (i.e. transcripts, diploma, certificates) as well as in myCentennial and eCentennial.
Please note: You can only use this form to change your first name once. This form does not legally change your first name, and cannot be used to change your surname. If you have changed your name legally, please fill out the “Change of Name Form”.
Change of Name Form
If you have legally changed your name, please fill out this form and accompany the original version or a certified copy of any documents supporting your application for a Change of Name. Without documentation, this application will not be processed.
Child-Care Application Form
If you are a student at Centennial College, and you have an independent child 11 years of age and younger whom you have child-care costs for, you may be eligible to receive a bursary to pay the child-care costs for the hours while you are in school.
Please note: You will not be able to apply for any other child-care funding from any postsecondary institution or from any government agency during the study period covered by this application.
Diploma/Certificate/Degree Replacement Application
This form is to be filled if you have misplaced or damaged your diploma, certificate or degree and would like to replace it. Submit completed form, including valid payment information to any Enrolment Services Office via in-person, by e-mail, or by courier.
Domestic Promissory Note Payment Plan Form
If you require payment flexibility or more comfortable options to pay the balance of your fees by your due date, you may request a Tuition Fee Payment Plan through this form. Once form is completed, submit to
For more information on tuition payment options, please visit this website.
Full-Time Day Program Application
This form is for applicants who have previously attended a full-time program at Centennial College and who are applying to Semester 1 of a different program at Centennial College.
Grade Appeal Form
This form is to be filled if there is a discrepancy in a grade received on your student record (i.e. administrative error resulting in miscalculated grade, grade awarded does not reflect your academic performance). This form is to be used by students only when the Informal Appeal Process did not resolve a disputed grade. Students should first attempt to resolve the grade appeal informally with their instructor before filing a formal appeal.
Before filling out this form, please read the Grade Appeals Policy and Procedures carefully. If you have any questions, contact:
- A CCSAI Student Advocate or
- A Student Experience Advisor in the Student Experience Office:
Letter Request Form
If you need a formal letter (i.e. Confirmation of Enrolment, Continuing Education Letter, etc.) released by Centennial College, fill out this form. Once completed, submit your form through CASS - Centennial Access for Student Services (formerly known as Virtual Registration Services) access is located in myCentennial – under the “Student” menu, select “Registration” and locate the CASS link.
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Application
This form helps you apply for credit when you demonstrate college-level learning acquired through past study, work and life experience. If this learning is assessed to be equivalent to the learning outcome for a specific Centennial College course, credit will be awarded.
Program Withdrawal Form – Canadian Residents
This form is for domestic, full-time Centennial College students who wish to withdrawing from their registered full-time program. If you are an International Student, a School of Transportation Apprenticeship student, or a Continuing Education student, please contact Enrolment Services for a proper withdrawal application form.
Request for Academic Add/Drop Form
Use this form to DROP or ADD a course and you plan to remain in other courses. Complete this for in consultation with your academic advisor whose approval must be included in the form. Once completed, submit the form to Enrolment Services by the appropriate due date.
Request for Academic Transcript Form
Complete this form if you require an official College transcript to be mailed to you or another institution. Once completed, form should be sent to the Student Records Office. Note: Transcripts will not be released without a valid form of payment, or to students who have outstanding liabilities with the College.
Replacement T2202A Tuition and Education Credit Form
If you have misplaced your T2202A form that allows you to receive tuition credit during the respective tax year, fill out this form. Note: Centennial College will issue a T2202A tax form only if you meet the eligibility requirements for Tuition Credit and/or Education Credit as defined by Revenue Canada. When form is completes, this application for a replacement T2202A form can be hand delivered to Enrolment Services, or mailed/faxed.
Student Complaint Form
Use this form if you have concerns about anything at the College that you cannot resolve directly with the staff for faculty person involved. This may be related to any service you receive at the College, or the quality of your academic experience or any administrative process.
Application to Graduate (Part-time Students)
Complete this form if you have finished your academic program while learning on a part-time basis. In order to graduate, you must apply using this form to have your academic record audited. Once completed, submit the form to Enrolment Services.
Application for Re-Admit or Transfer Form
If you have been away from your program of study at Centennial College for more than one semester and wish to return to your previous program, you. Will need permission from the academic department or program coordinator by filling out this form
Change of Address Form
If your permanent address does not match the address on your student records, and you wish to change it, please fill out this form. Once completed, submit the form to Enrolment Services. If you are submitting this form in person, please provide identification. Address changes will not be undertaken via telephone.
Change of First Name Form
If you wish to change your legal first name to your preferred first name on your Centennial College student record, please fill out this form. Your new first name will appear on official Centennial College documents (i.e. transcripts, diploma, certificates) as well as in myCentennial and eCentennial.
Please note: You can only use this form to change your first name once. This form does not legally change your first name, and cannot be used to change your surname. If you have changed your name legally, please fill out the “Change of Name Form”.
Change of Name Form
If you have legally changed your name, please fill out this form and accompany the original version or a certified copy of any documents supporting your application for a Change of Name. Without documentation, this application will not be processed.
Diploma/Certificate/Degree Replacement Application
This form is to be filled if you have misplaced or damaged your diploma, certificate or degree and would like to replace it. Submit the completed form, including valid payment information to any Enrolment Services Office via in-person, by e-mail, or by courier.
Grade Appeal Form
This form is to be filled if there is a discrepancy in a grade received on your student record (i.e. administrative error resulting in miscalculated grade, the grade awarded does not reflect your academic performance). This form is to be used by students only when the Informal Appeal Process did not resolve a disputed grade. Students should first attempt to resolve the grade appeal informally with their instructor before filing a formal appeal.
Before filling out this form, please read the Grade Appeals Policy and Procedures carefully. If you have any questions, contact:
- A CCSAI Student Advocate or
- A Student Experience Advisor in the Student Experience Office:
Letter Request Form
If you need a formal letter (i.e. Confirmation of Enrolment, Continuing Education Letter, etc.) released by Centennial College, fill out this form. Once completed, submit your form through CASS - Centennial Access for Student Services (formerly known as Virtual Registration Services) access is located in myCentennial – under the “Student” menu, select “Registration” and locate the CASS link.
Part-time Special Bursary Program Form
This form allows part-time centennial students to apply for financial assistance to help cover educational costs. The amount of bursary you may receive for the academic year will depend on your eligible educational costs. To apply for a Centennial College Part-Time Special Bursary for the academic year, the application form and all supporting documentation needs to be submitted in person to Student Financial Services
Prior Learning Assessment and Recognition Application
This form helps you apply for credit when you demonstrate college-level learning acquired through past study, work and life experience. If this learning is assessed to be equivalent to the learning outcome for a specific Centennial College course, credit will be awarded.
Part-Time Learning Registration Form
Request for Academic Transcript Form
Complete this form if you require an official College transcript to be mailed to you or another institution. Once completed, form should be sent to the Student Records Office. Note: Transcripts will not be released without a valid form of payment, or to students who have outstanding liabilities with the College.
Replacement T2202A Tuition and Education Credit Form
If you have misplaced your T2202A form that allows you to receive tuition credit during the respective tax year, fill out this form. Note: Centennial College will issue a T2202A tax form only if you meet the eligibility requirements for Tuition Credit and/or Education Credit as defined by Revenue Canada. When the form is completed, this application for a replacement T2202A form can be hand delivered to Enrolment Services, or mailed/faxed.
Student Complaint Form
Use this form if you have concerns about anything at the College that you cannot resolve directly with the staff for faculty person involved. This may be related to any service you receive at the College, or the quality of your academic experience or any administrative process.
Summer Disability Support Program Bursary Form
Tuition Deferral Memorandum for Part-time Studies Form
This form represents permission to defer tuition fee payment for a Centennial student who is enrolled in select part-time (Continuing Education) courses. This form is to be completed by Student Financial Services and approved by the Registrar.
Apprenticeship Withdrawal Application
If you are in an apprenticeship program and need to withdraw, you will be required to complete this form.
Please note: You should consult with your program Co-ordinator to assist you with your withdrawal decision. To qualify for a refund, you must withdraw on or before the third day of your training.
Request for OSAP Extension for Summer 2025
Request for OSAP Extension for 4x4 Course(s) for Summer 2024
Request for OSAP Reinstatement for Summer 2025
OSAP Inquiry Course Drop Form
This form confirms that you are in receipt of OSAP funding, yet need to drop a course(s) during the semester that you are enrolled in. You must first inform the Student Financial Services Office that you wish to drop a course(s) and then fill in the information below to determine what impact it will have on your OSAP.
Please note: This form should not be used to drop or add a course; you will still need to consult with your Success Advisor to discuss the results of dropping your course(s)
OSAP Tuition Deposit Waiver Agreement Form
Use this form if you are facing financial challenges and are unable to pay the tuition deposit for your program. This form represents a formal commitment on the part of the Centennial College student to pay all required fees for a given semester, or academic year stated in the College’s Fees Due Date, or, within seven (7) days of receipt of funding from OSAP).