International Application

If you are interested in submitting an international application to Centennial College online, please follow these steps:

  • Complete the following international education application form
  • If you wish to clear the fields you filled in, click the Start over button at the bottom of the form
  • When completed, click the Submit my application button
  • Finally, you must then submit transcripts and any other academic information by one of the following methods:
Mailing Address Courier Address

Centennial College
International Education Office

P.O. Box 631 Station A
Scarborough, ON, Canada M1K 5E9

Scan and Email

Centennial College
International Education Office (C2-07)

941 Progress Avenue
Toronto, ON, Canada M1G 3T8

Phone: 1-416-289-5393
Fax: 1-416-289-5352


If you prefer, you may complete, print and fax this form to 1-416-289-5352.

Required fields are indicated with an *.

Part One

Salutation   * Mr.   Mrs.   Ms.   Miss

Gender     * Male       Female

*Last Name:  

*First Name:   

Second Name: 


Apartment No: 




Postal Code/ZIP:  


Country Code: 


Area/Region Code:     Number: 

Area/Region Code:     Number:  Ext: 


Area/Region Code: 


*E-mail Address:  (Mandatory)

*Birth Date




*Country of Citizenship: 

Canadian Social Insurance Number (if you have one): 

*Preferred Language

English   French

Other - Please specify:  

*Basis for Admission Consideration

Secondary school graduate or equivalent

College/university studies

Note: Please remember to mail or fax original transcripts or certified copies to the address shown above!

Additional Academic Information

  Related work experience (please send résumé)

Language Proficiency

*Have you written the TOEFL (Test Of English as a Foreign Language)?



If you answered yes, please provide the following information:

*Date written:  Month     Day    Year 

*Your score: 

*Type of TOEFL test taken:

Paper-based    Computer-based

*Have you written the IELTS (International English Language Testing System)?



If you answered yes, please provide the following information: 

*Date written:  Month:    Day:   Year:   

*Your Score

Listening:   Reading:    Writing:   Speaking:  

Overall Score: 

Program Selection (in order of preference)








I hereby certify that the above information is true and complete. I understand that any false or incomplete information submitted in support of my application may invalidate my application. I have read the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Statement (see below).

Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act: (read me...)

The information on this form is collected under the legal authority of the Ministry of Colleges and Universities Act, R.S.O. 1980, Chapter 272, S.S.,: R.R.O. 1980, Regulation 640. The information is used for administration and statistical purposes of Centennial College and/or the Ministries and Agencies of the Government of Ontario and the Government of Canada.

For further information, please contact your dedicated admissions assistant at

  *Applicant Signature: By clicking this checkbox, you are agreeing to the terms of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act as specified above.

Part Two

How did you first learn about Centennial College?

Canadian Embassy
Educational resource in your home country
Education Fair
Friend or Relative in Canada
The Internet
Friend or Relative at home
Centennial Graduate
Educational Publication:  

Who encouraged you to apply?

School Counsellor

Have you attended school or college in Canada before?


If yes, please list the names and addresses of schools, and the programs and dates attended:

School City Program Start Date End Date

Future Education and Career Goals

If you are applying for English as a Second Language or English for Academic Purposes, do you plan to continue post-secondary study after your English course is completed?



If yes, what programs interest you?

Do you plan to complete a diploma program and go on to university?


Are you planning to work in Canada for one year after graduation (as permitted by Immigration Canada)?


Part Three

If you have a contact person in Canada, please fill out the following section.
Information Release Pursuant to the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act, I hereby authorize Centennial College to release any and all information related to any and all aspects of my application for admission, acceptance, fees or program of studies to the person whose name and address appears below. I certify that the person named is my selected representative and has my agreement to access and use this information to  assist me to successfully register and access programs at Centennial College.

I authorize information release to my contact in Canada:

  Applicant Signature: If you have provided information for a contact in Canada, please read the above terms and click the signature checkbox at left. By clicking this checkbox, you are agreeing to the terms of the Freedom of Information and Protection of Individual Privacy Act as specified above.

Contact's Information

Contact's Name:  

Contact's Address:  




Area code:     Number:   -


Area code:     Number:   -

E-mail address:

Please check all your entries and verified that they are correct